22 easy tips for better health
It is quite complicated to live a healthy life in modern society. Everyone is busy finding a balance between work, family and other responsibilities. The result is that we often don't think about our health. But healthy living doesn't have to be that difficult. Below you will find 22 easy ways to live healthier with little effort.
1. Half fill your plate with starchy vegetables
Vegetables can roughly be classified as starchy or starchy. The latter category usually contains more calories and carbohydrates than the first. Examples of starchy vegetables are potatoes, corn and white beans. Low starch vegetables include spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. A simple way to eat healthier is to ensure that half of your plate is filled with starchy vegetables. They are low in calories but contain a lot of nutrients, fiber and water ( 1 ). By replacing some starch and protein with low-starchy vegetables, you can ensure that you consume far fewer calories while still not eating less ( 2). This simple strategy also saves you the hassle of paying attention to the amounts you can eat and the amount of calories.
Vegetables can roughly be classified as starchy or starchy. The latter category usually contains more calories and carbohydrates than the first. Examples of starchy vegetables are potatoes, corn and white beans. Low starch vegetables include spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. A simple way to eat healthier is to ensure that half of your plate is filled with starchy vegetables. They are low in calories but contain a lot of nutrients, fiber and water ( 1 ). By replacing some starch and protein with low-starchy vegetables, you can ensure that you consume far fewer calories while still not eating less ( 2). This simple strategy also saves you the hassle of paying attention to the amounts you can eat and the amount of calories.
In short: A simple way to become healthier is to ensure that your plate is half filled with starchy vegetables.
2. Eat from a smaller plateIn all honesty, the size of your plate can impact the sum you eat. A study found that individuals who ate from enormous bowls ate 56% (142 calories) more than individuals who ate from littler bowls ( 3 ). An investigation of 72 ponders demonstrated that individuals reliably ate more in the event that they were given a bigger part and a bigger plate ( 4 ). The straightforward hallucination of the littler plate could make you feel happy with less nourishment.
In short: Eating littler plates is a basic method to draw your mind to eat less. This can be helpful in the event that you end up taking too enormous parts.
3. Replace refined with unrefined carbohydrates.Refined carbohydrates are better known as fast or 'empty' carbohydrates. They are enormously processed and stripped of almost all nutrients and fibers. This means that they add extra calories without nutritional value. Examples of refined carbohydrates are white flour, white bread and white rice. And we are not even talking about the fact that you are more at risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes 2 if you eat a lot of refined carbohydrates ( 5 , 6 ). If you provide full, unprocessed carbohydrates such as wholemeal flour and brown rice, you will eat what you would normally eat but with the extra benefits of the fibers, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
In short: Refined carbohydrates are sources of 'empty' calories and have no nutritional value. Replace them with full, unprocessed carbohydrates and increase your nutrient and fiber intake.
4. Add some fruit to your breakfast cerealFruit is a good way to add some color and taste to an oatmeal or muesli breakfast. Fruit is chock full of all kinds of vitamins and minerals that are essential for optimum health. It also contains a lot of fiber and water, which can make you feel full longer ( 1 , 7 ). Moreover, fruit is a great source of polyphenols, substances that help ensure that fruit and vegetables are so healthy. They act as antioxidants in the body and can have an anti-inflammatory effect. Moreover, studies show that polyphenols can help reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes 2 and early death ( 8 , 9 , 10). A study with 7,447 participants found that those who ate the most polyphenols were less likely to die prematurely than those who ate the least polyphenols ( 11 ).
In short: Although fruit can contain a lot of sugar, it is also packed with all kinds of vitamins, minerals and plant substances such as polyphenols, which have a very beneficial effect on health.
5. Eat oily fish oftenOne of the most nutritious foods on earth is oily fish such as salmon. It is an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids - a type of essential fat that you can only get from your diet. Despite its importance, very few people in Western countries eat enough omega-3 fatty acids ( 12 ). Research has shown that people who eat the most omega-3 fatty acids have a lower risk of heart disease and chronic inflammation and that they have better psychological health ( 13 , 14 , 15 , 16). In addition, fatty fish is an excellent source of vitamin B. These vitamins help the body produce energy, repair DNA and maintain healthy brain and nerve function ( 17 , 18 ). Attempt to eat greasy fish at any rate two times per weak . Good options are salmon, mackerel and herring
In short: Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring is a very good source of omega 3 fatty acids and B vitamins. Attempt to eat greasy fish at any rate two times per week.
6. Consider taking certain supplements
The best way to meet your nutritional needs is to eat whole foods. This contains all sorts of nutrients that work together synergistically, so that you can optimally benefit from the nutritional power ( 19 ). But no matter where this is, many people still struggle to meet their daily nutritional needs through nutrition alone. That is why supplements can sometimes be useful; they provide you with a large dose of nutrients in a handy package. There are two supplements that are especially useful, namely soluble fiber and fish oil. Soluble fiber supplements such as glucomannan can help you stay saturated for longer, have regular stools, plus lower blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol (20 ). Fish oil supplements provide a large dose of omega 3, just like fatty fish. A diet with many omega 3 fatty acids is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, less chronic inflammation and better mental health ( 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 ).
In short: Although complete nutrition is best, supplements can be useful if you have trouble getting enough nutrients through food alone. Two incredible supplements are fish oil and solvent fiber, for example, glucomannan.
7. Drink green tea
Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks. It is low in calories and chock full of all kinds of nutrients and antioxidants. These antioxidants can help your body fight free radicals - molecules that appear to increase the risk of disease and accelerated aging ( 21 , 22 ). Studies have also shown that people who drink the most green tea often live longer and run less risk of heart disease and diabetes 2 ( 23 , 24 ). Green tea also contains epigallocatechin gallate (ECGC) and caffeine. These substances can help you burn fat by accelerating your metabolism ( 25 , 26 ).
In short: Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks. It contains few calories and many nutrients and antioxidants. It has impressive beneficial effects on health.
8. Drink your coffee blackIt is no secret that Americans are fond of coffee - and that also applies to Dutch people. A study found that more than 160 million Americans drink coffee regularly. But roughly two thirds of them add sugar, milk, cream or other additives ( 27 ). For example, a 'tall latte' from Starbucks contains 204 calories and 14.4 grams of sugar. A cup of home-made coffee or an Americano contains fewer than 15 calories ( 28 , 29 ). You can remove those extra calories from your diet by simply switching to black coffee without having to give up the boost you get from caffeine.
In short: Switching from coffee with a lot of milk and sugar to black coffee is a very good way to reduce your calorie intake while still enjoying the benefits of the coffee.
9. Avoid sugar-rich soft drinksIf you want to become healthier, try to avoid sugar-rich drinks. They do not contain important nutrients and are packed with sugar. For example, a can of Coca-Cola contains 39 grams of sugar, or 10 teaspoons ( 30 ). Research shows that sugar-containing drinks can increase the risk of diabetes 2, heart disease and even certain types of cancer ( 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 ). In addition, the acids in soft drinks can damage your teeth, especially in combination with sugar ( 35 , 36 ). On the off chance that you drink a great deal of soda pops, pick a more beneficial form, for example, unsweetened carbonated water with lemon or green tea.
In short: Sugar-rich soda pops are awful for your wellbeing and it is pressed with sugar. On the off chance that you drink a great deal crisp, pick something more advantageous like green tea.
10. Provide healthy snacksOften your attempts to eat healthily are undermined by 'cravings', an enormous appetite for sweet, salty and / or fat. No less than about half of the people regularly suffer from an appetite for something delicious, which makes unhealthy food very attractive ( 37 ). If you ensure that you have healthy snacks in stock, that can help if you suddenly get a good appetite. It is also a very good idea to keep some healthy snacks in your bag to control your appetite when you are out. Tasty and healthy snacks include a handful of nuts, fruit or even a piece of dark chocolate. You can find more healthy snacks here .
In short: cravings can undermine your attempt to eat healthier. To ensure that you do not experience this, you can ensure that you have healthy snacks at hand in your kitchen and in your bag.
11. Drink a glass of water every time.Water is important for your health. Drinking enough water can maintain brain function, concentration and a positive mind ( 38 ). Moreover, water can help you lose weight, because it will fill you up. It also causes more calories to be burned ( 7 , 39 ). If you find it hard to drink enough water, at least try to take a glass with your meal. Therefore you drink at least a few glasses of water a day.
In short: Water is important for optimum health and performance. If you have trouble drinking enough water, try to take a glass every time.
12. Make a shopping list before you go shoppingA shopping list is a good tool to help you eat healthier. It helps you remember what you already have, it ensures better planning and you avoid impulse purchases. Studies also show that people who shop with a list are more likely to eat healthier and become less heavy ( 40 ).
In short: A shopping list can make it easier to make healthier decisions when shopping and it prevents impulse purchases. Studies also show that it helps you to eat healthier.
13. Go shopping with a full stomachShopping with an empty stomach can be a disaster if you want to live a healthier life. Studies also show that people buy more high-calorie things when they shop with an empty stomach ( 41 ). By shopping after the meal you not only ensure that you are probably not buying impulse, you will also save money. This strategy works even better if you also make a list.
In short: Shopping on an empty stomach can ensure that you do impulse purchases earlier. Try to go shopping after meals to resist the temptations in the supermarket.
14. Choose real food instead of processedIn the Western world we eat more strongly processed food than ever ( 42 , 43 ). Processed foods may be useful, but they often contain hardly any nutrients and they can increase the risk of chronic diseases ( 44 , 45 ). Simply eating more real food can help you become healthier with minimal effort. Real food often contains more fiber and is full of vitamins and minerals. Real food is food with only one single ingredient that is largely unmodified and does not contain any chemical additives. These are a few examples of real food:
- Apples
- Bananas
- Spinach
- Brown rice
- Unprocessed meat
- Eggs
In short: In modern society we often eat more highly processed food than ever, food with hardly any nutrients. Opting for genuine, complete nutrition can help you become healthier, because it contains more nutrients and fiber.
15. Learn to eat 'mindful' Careful eating is an integral asset that causes you eat more advantageous with insignificant exertion. It is based on the concept of mindfulness: it helps you to draw attention to what you are eating, why you eat and how fast you eat. Many studies also show that it can cause you to lose weight ( 46 , 47 ). Here are a few simple tips that can help you eat more attention:
- Eat slowly
- Chew well
- Focus on how you feel when you eat - are you really hungry?
- Turn off the TV and put your phone away
In short: Mindful eating is a powerful way that helps you eat healthier. You will pay more attention to what, how much and why you eat.
16. Eat while sittingThese days people eat very often while on the move or at the same time doing something else. However, research has shown that eating while you are busy can affect your ability to handle hunger signals. According to a study among 60 women, it was found that those who eat en route eat more and consume more calories ( 48 ). It can help to eat with more attention when you sit down. Combine this with a few other tips mentioned above to learn to eat healthier with less effort.
In short: Seated food can ensure that you can process hunger signals better so that you ultimately eat less.
17. Take a walk during the breakFinding time to move around is a real problem for many people around the world, especially because of work. Be that as it may, ordinary exercise is significant for a sound way of life. There is a ton of proof that an absence of activity is related with poor mental and physical wellbeing ( 49 , 50 ).Yet there are many ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, even with a busy schedule. For example, you can take a walk during the lunch break; this can greatly improve your health and well-being. For a study, 56 people walked for half an hour three times a week during the lunch break. This led to more enthusiasm and relaxation at work and at the same time to a decrease in nervousness (51 ).
In short: Walking during breaks is a great way to build movement into your busy schedule. Try to go for a walk with a few colleagues during the lunch break so that it becomes a habit more easily.
18. Take the stairs instead of the liftTaking the stairs is an easy way to introduce some movement into your daily routine. It is also very good for long-term health. Research shows that people who climb at least eight floors a day are 33% less likely to die than people who spend most of their time sitting down ( 52 ). And even better, taking the stairs may be faster than taking the elevator. A study found that taking the stairs was on average 23.5 seconds faster per floor, including the average waiting time for the elevator ( 53 ).
In short: Taking the stairs is a great way to exercise every day. Surprisingly, it can sometimes be even faster than the elevator.
19. Try a standing desk
Nowadays we are sitting longer than ever before. Research has even shown that the average office worker spends 15 hours per day sitting down. For comparison: an agricultural worker only spends around 3 hours a day ( 54 , 55 ). Unfortunately, research shows that people who are most at risk are at a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes 2, cancer and death ( 56 ). A standing desk could help you spend more time standing while still being productive. Indeed, research even shows that people with the same function who used standing desks were 53% more productive in six months ( 57 ).
In short: A standing desk can ensure that you stand on your feet longer during work. Studies show that people who sit longer are more at risk for chronic illnesses.
20. Put all devices away one hour before bedtimeGood sleep quality is essential for optimum health. However, about 50 to 70 million Americans suffer from lack of sleep ( 58 ). It seems that all kinds of devices such as smartphones and computers and other sources of artificial light are an important cause of poor sleep ( 59 , 60 ). These devices emit blue light, a kind of light wave that is often present during the day, so that your brain makes you believe that it is still during the day ( 61 ). Not to mention the fact that research shows that artificial light just before bedtime is associated with a higher risk of breast cancer, mood disorders and depression ( 62 , 63 , 64 ). Avoiding this type of device an hour before bedtime can contribute to better sleep quality.
In short: If you do not sleep well, try to avoid devices with artificial light, such as your telephone and computer, an hour before bedtime. They emit blue light and that can keep you awake longer.
21. Go to bed at the same time every dayIn addition to poor sleep quality, many people also have difficulty falling asleep. This can cause you to feel exhausted and slow and it can even increase the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes 2 ( 65 , 66 ). One of the worst culprits is the lack of a regular sleep rhythm. If you maintain a fixed bedtime, the internal clock in your body is automatically adjusted so that you fall asleep around that time ( 67 ). Moreover, a fixed sleep rhythm can also improve your concentration and memory ( 68 , 69 ).
In short: A fixed sleep rhythm, also during the weekend, can ensure that you fall asleep faster. The internal clock in your body is trained to put you to sleep around that fixed time.
22. Meditate regularlyStress can have major consequences for your health. Research shows that meditation is an effective way to relieve stress and improve your overall health ( 70 , 71 ). An analysis of 47 studies with more than 3500 people showed that mindfulness helped reduce anxiety, depression and stress ( 71 ). You can read more about the beneficial effects of meditation here .
In short: Meditation is a good way to reduce stress. Try to fit it into your daily routine a few times a week.
ConclusionBeing healthy is easier than you think. There are many ways you can improve your health without much effort. For example, drink a glass of water with every meal, eat oily fish, arrange for a regular sleep schedule, and more often opt for genuine, complete nutrition. Furthermore, shopping with a full stomach can help to prevent sudden attacks of good appetite and impulse purchases in the supermarket and eating with attention can ensure that you get control over your eating habits. Just learning to incorporate a few of these strategies into your daily routine can lead to a healthier and happier life ( translated with permission ).